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public class MPI {
  public static Intracomm COMM_WORLD;

  public static Datatype BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, BOOLEAN, INT, LONG,
                         FLOAT, DOUBLE, OBJECT, PACKED, LB, UB ;

  public static int ANY_SOURCE, ANY_TAG ;

  public static int PROC_NULL ;

  public static int BSEND_OVERHEAD ;

  public static int UNDEFINED ;

  public static Op MAX, MIN, SUM, PROD, LAND, BAND,
                   LOR, BOR, LXOR, BXOR, MINLOC, MAXLOC ;

  public static Datatype SHORT2, INT2, LONG2, FLOAT2, DOUBLE2 ;

  public static Group GROUP_EMPTY ;

  public static Comm COMM_SELF ;

  public static int IDENT, CONGRUENT, SIMILAR, UNEQUAL ;

  public static int GRAPH, CART ;

  public static ErrHandler ERRORS_ARE_FATAL, ERRORS_RETURN ;

  public static int TAG_UB, HOST, IO ;

  // Buffer allocation and usage

  public static void Buffer_attach(byte [] buffer)
                                            throws MPIException {...}

  public static byte [] Buffer_detach() throws MPIException {...}

  // Environmental Management

  public static String [] Init(String[] argv) throws MPIException {...}

  public static void Finalize() throws MPIException {...}

  public static String Get_processor_name() throws MPIException {...}

  public static double Wtime() {...}

  public static double Wtick() {...}

  public static boolean Initialized() throws MPIException {...}


public class Errhandler {

Bryan Carpenter 2002-07-12