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Installation instructions

Binary Installer or Manual Installation

There are two options:
  • If you use the binary installer (p2pmpi-0.29-installer.exe), follow the installation instructions. Afterwards, open a command shell (cmd.exe) to run the commands. Make sure you have a supernode running at the host specified during installation. You can then type in mpiboot. (We have been reported that on some system a reboot is needed after installation for the environment variable changes to take effect).
  • Alternatively, you can unzip the distribution, and make the settings as explained below.

Manual Settings

    Pre-requisite : p2pmpi.jar has been generated with JDK 1.5, hence your JDK must be >= 1.5 ('java -version' should tell you).
  1. Extract the archive

             $ unzip p2pmpi-<version>.zip
             $ cd p2pmpi-<version>
  2. Modify the configuration files to reflect your infrastructure/installation:

    • P2P-MPI.conf:
      • Set SUPERNODE to the host you will be running 'runSuperNode'.
      • Optionally, set VISU_PROXY to host that will serve as proxy for the visualization/monitoring of your infrastructure with 'runVisu'. VISU_PROXY is not mandatory but helps the visualisation process to scale when dealing with many peers.
      • Check that the prefered network interface (IFACE) is appropriate to your system. You should have 'IFACE=' for a default installation. Windows users must modify 'IFACE=eth0' since eth0 is specific to unix systems.
      • Make sure the ports specified in P2P-MPI.conf for the 3 services
        (defaults MPD_PORT=9897, FT_PORT=9898, FD_PORT=9899, RS_PORT=9900 and 9800 to 9899 for applications) are open from and to the outside if you have a firewall

    • P2P-RDV.conf: do not edit unless you have specific needs.
  3. Add the environment variables Start-> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables Substitute with appropriate values in P2PMPI_HOME and optionnally CLASSPATH.

        Variable name : P2PMPI_HOME
        Variable value : <absolute path of p2pmpi installation directory> 
        Variable name : PATH
        Variable value : %PATH%;%P2PMPI_HOME%\bin
        (*) Variable name : CLASSPATH
        (*) Variable value : %CLASSPATH%;%P2PMPI_HOME%\p2pmpi.jar
    (*) Setting the CLASSPATH is only required for developpers, i.e. for javac to find the P2PMPI classes when compiling a source file importing p2pmpi.mpi.*

Running P2P-MPI

On one host, we need a SuperNode that acts as a directory, to which peers register. Log into the host specified by SUPERNODE in P2P-MPI.conf and run first:
$ runSuperNode
Every machine must run a MPD to share some of its resource and join the group of existing computing resources. It is started with:
$ mpiboot
If it can connect to its supernode, the command should say the MPD is started. You can now read further about how to run programs in section Documentation (Programming).