An description of our Grid testbed is maintenained in our CVS server
as an XML description.
An XML stylesheet converts it to HTML.
It can be browsed here [html][xml]
We also use our custom XML stylesheets to build other tools. From the testbed status, we generate an HTML form that allows to build an RSL request : [html].
The application does seismic tomography in a global Eath model by reconstructingray-paths of recorded seismic rays. Biggest runs up to now have dealt with the ray-tracing of the full record set recorded by the ISC over a one year period.
This application is devoted to the numerical simulation of problems in Plasma Physics and particle beams propagation. The leading candidate for magnetic confinement of a fusion plasma is the tokamak. We plan to use the application more intensively iin the near future, as we want to describe the plasma evolution for long time (more than one thousand time iterations).
What would you say about Globus ? A possible answer ....
Some screenshots taken during experimentations. We would appreciate to have a distributed "top" command :-)